Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Play Time

This morning after Parker had been fed and changed he was in the happiest mood. He was smiling and making noises and kicking his little legs for the longest time. It was so cute, I just had to take some video for all to see!! Enjoy :)


Barbara Wiser said...

Love the video...it is nice to see his smiling face. He really was in a good mood! Take more videos here and there so we can see him moving around...its really cute to see when we are so far away! Hugs to all! Mommy Wiser

Mandi said...

What a cutie! I also love his baby tux! That is adorable!

Gabrielle Angel Wiser said...

That is so cute...I miss seeing you, Chris, and Parker.

Love you bunches and bunches
Little Sis :)