Monday, May 19, 2014


Ms. Kailey Lynn Bell 
March 5, 2014
3:28 am
6 lb 12.6 oz
19 inches long
Chris and I headed up to the hospital around 8pm on March 4 to get ready to be induced. By the time I was all hooked up to the IV it was about 10pm which was also around the time they put the cervidil in to soften things up a bit more. I was already dilated to a 2 but they wanted me at a 3 or 4 before they gave me pitocin and really got things going. Well little did they know that my body is super sensitive to the cervidil and within an hour to an hour and a half my contractions were in full swing, I was shaking so badly because of the intensity of them that it made it a little more difficult for me to get my epidural because I kept tensing up and wasn't staying "relaxed"! Well I am sorry but it's pretty hard to stay relaxed long enough for a huge needle to be inserted into your back when the contractions aren't really stopping!! Finally they got it in and we were good to go. The nurses decided to also take the cervidil out (it's technically supposed to stay in for about 12 hours) and see if the combo of my epidural and taking that out would slow my contractions down....NOPE! They just kept on comin'! They put me on oxygen and I was able to get an hour or two of rest. Then around 2:45-3:00 am my left leg felt weird and the epidural seemed extra strong in that leg, despite laying on my right side, which immediately got me all nervous that it was starting to wear off like it did with Owen. (Luckily it didn't!) I called the nurses in to tell them that I was getting too warm and that I was starting to feel something. So they checked and I actually had some bloody show so they checked me and I was like at a 9 or something and was ready to start prepping for delivery. Like a minute later my doctor showed up and checked me again to make sure I was ready, which I was, and she said that my water still hadn't broken but was right there. She told me she was going to get herself ready in all her scrubs and whatnot and come back and break my water. Well, that didn't happen because the second she stepped out of the room my water broke in full force and I immediately started feeling pressure! They all finished getting ready and told me to push and out she flew, seriously that's what it felt like! It took her a few seconds to start crying and I started to get a little nervous but when I finally heard that sound it was amazing! Feelings just rushed inside me and I just couldn't believe she had finally joined our family. After what happened with Owen I was considered high risk and when I hit 30 weeks I went in to the doctor's office twice a week to do the non stress tests so they could monitor how things were going. And the relief that I felt when Kailey was born was just overwhelming. Once she was cleaned up a little they gave her to me to do skin to skin contact for her first hour of life. I have definitely forgotten how tiny they are, and she was my smallest yet! 

I was in labor for a total of 5 hours, and even though I told my doctor and all the nurses that I move really fast, they didn't quite believe me!! I never even got the pitocin! My doctor was definitely amazed at how fast it really went!! 

Proud Daddy!
 My sister came in a couple hours before we left for the hospital to help watch the boys, they came up in the morning to see us!
 Kailey got the boys stomp rockets to play with...wasn't that so nice of her?! 
 My niece "holding" her cousin for the first time! Precious...
 Just chillin...Delaynie thought that chair was the most awesome thing in the whole room! She was jumping and climbing all over that thing and laughing and smiling the whole time! 
 My mom came down the day after Kailey was born to help out!
 First family photo! Classic Parker...

1 comment:

Because You Want To Know said...

Love it! I'm so glad she came fast and healthy! She's adorable as is your whole family. It was nice to read a happy ending and good labor story since I'm 35 weeks now. Starting to get nervous... Congrats again!