I'm sorry that I have been a slacker and haven't posted any 5-month old pictures of Parker. I have just been too lazy to go to the store to buy batteries for my camera, and when I'm actually at the store, I forget all about them. Here are a couple random ones that I took a few days before and a couple days after he turned 5 months. He has been growing so fast. He is starting to try and sit up all by himself and can last for about 30 seconds or so, however he hasn't mastered the rolling over thing yet...maybe next month. He has also been trying different solid baby foods, squash and peas are the only two he's tried so far and he loves them both!! He didn't even make a face on the first bite or anything...maybe that means he won't be a picky eater! **Finger's crossed** Parker is even fitting into 6-month clothes...he is getting so big! :(
Enjoying his excersaucer!
Helping Dad with the computer...
Hmmm, I wonder what I can do to help?!
Daddy wanted to see what he would look like with glasses!
So Parker decided to kick the year off with a brand new set of bottom teeth! I noticed them on New Years Eve after I had finished feeding him. They are finally in far enough to be able to see them in a picture. They are so cute and is just another sign that he is growing!! You may have to click on the picture to enlarge it to be able to see them...
The other day I went in to get Parker up from his nap and this is what I found: He wasn't very happy about it to say the least, but I couldn't resist taking a picture before I rescued him from the bear and blanket!
For Christmas, Parker received an excersaucer from my mom and step-dad. He seems to really like it. It's nice because it keeps him busy for just a little bit longer than his other toys, allowing me to get a little bit more done! He likes being able to stand up and play with his toys instead of laying on the floor. We put a few of his other toys on the tray for him to play with too. So far he seems to really like this key toy that plays music and makes a lot of noise!