Saturday, November 21, 2009

Front Door

Tonight we discovered that Parker can now reach the front door handle in our apartment!! This is NOT good news for us. We had just come back from the store and were putting away the cold groceries before heading back out for dinner. Now normally we lock the door when we come in, unless we are just going right back out. So Chris and I were putting away groceries and all of a sudden I heard the front door close. I was like "OH NO!!" Chris could have sworn he shut the door tight and he opened the door and Parker was half way to the parking lot. So when he brought him back in he shut it tight and then watched to see if Parker actually did open it...turns out HE DID! Awesome! He now tries literally every chance he gets to open the door. Looks like we are going to hve to make sure it's locked at all times. To clarify, the handle on the door is one of those you just have to push down and then push the door open...pretty easy for a toddler to open and get out! Who puts those kind of handles on the FRONT door...I mean seriously?!?

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