Chris ran out with him and went to the family bathroom right next to the foyer and started cleaning him up. I grabbed our stuff and Parker and I went to find them. When I walked into the bathroom Tyler had blood all over his face, in his ear, all over his shirt and had this
As we are almost there we realize that neither of us has our wallet with our insurance cards so I dropped Chris and Tyler off, helped fill out some paperwork so Tyler could get looked at while I went back home to get our insurance cards. Thank heavens blood doesn't really bother Chris, because I just can't handle that, especially when it's one of my kids and they are screaming in pain...I just become a mess!
By the time I got back to Community Care we only had to wait for a few minutes and they were done. Chris told me what they had to do to the poor little guy! He set Tyler down on the table and he immediately started screaming, then they had to put him in a straight jacket thing to keep his arms and legs still while they numbed it, with a needle inside the wound. They put a paper cover thing over his face with a hole just over the eye where his wound was and the nurse had to hold his head while the doctor gave him 5 stitches!!! He was not a happy camper, and I don't blame him. He came out with a band aid and holding a succor and said "I got a succor!! All better, I got band aid!" So cute and such a tough little guy!!
He then preceded to fall on the sidewalk the following day and hit his stitches, scratched his forehead right above his band aid and scraped his cheek and nose right under his band aid. Looks like he will be our injury boy!! He is doing well now, he got the stitches out the following Sunday and it's pretty much all healed now! He also remembers what happened and now just throws the hymn books to see if they will magically make it into the holder...