Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kicks and Giggles!

I haven't posted a video for awhile, so I thought I would post one. He was in a great mood and just kicking up a storm! His pajamas are just a little on the small side, as you can see, his legs are like 4 inches from the bottom of the leg holes!!! He's growing so fast!


Gabrielle Angel Wiser said...

That is so cute. He sure loves to kick his legs, and he is godd at laughing.

Alex and Kelsey said...

Hahaha I love listening to you and Chris in the background. That's probably the best part of the whole thing. hahaha Of course he's adorable too. But dude.. get him some new Pajamas!

Kelci and Jake said...

lindsay! he is soooo cute, my heck, I want one of those! I bet you are an awesome mommy! Things are good with us, how are things with you guys?