Monday, August 3, 2009

Sick Kiddo

Last night Parker would absolutely NOT go to bed. We thought that maybe he just wasn't tired or something, even though he didn't get his second nap because we were at church. He would cry everytime we put him in his crib, which is just not him. So we would bring him out and he would play a little and then get fussy, so we tried to put him back to bed, and that was a no-go. Finally around 10:30 or 11 pm he started falling asleep in our bed so Chris was able to put him in his bed. Around 1 am or so he woke up crying so Chris changed him, put his sleeper on (it was still warm in his room when we put him down) and gave him a bottle. He then slept the rest of the night...until about 6:30 this morning. That is when I realized exactly what Parker's problem was last night...he wasn't feeling well AT ALL!!

We had enchiladas last night for dinner and they didn't exactly agree with Parker's was ALL over his pillow, sheets, blanket, bumper, sleeper, and in his hair!! (And for the record, Parker has eaten enchiladas before and been we know he's not allergic to them or anything.) We aren't sure when he did it, but felt bad that he was sleeping in it (it actually soaked through his whole pillow so we just threw it away). It was pretty gross and he got a bath right away. I still don't think he is feeling well this morning because right before we put him in the bath he threw up his whole bottle and then has just been sitting on the couch with me all morning watching TV. He then just fell asleep. Poor little guy, I feel so bad for him. This is the first time he's been sick like this. And not only is Parker sick...BUT Chris is sick as well!! This is going to be an interesting day...
Watching Playhouse Disney
So peaceful...hopefully he will feel better! :(


Park Family said...

Its no fun having a sick kid. You just feel so bad for them. He is so cute though. I love the one of him sleeping. I hope he gets better soon.

Gabrielle Angel Wiser said...

Awwww....hope he feels better very soon :)