On our second day of driving we were going to go through Kansas City, MO and realized that Liberty was right there, so we decided to stop at the Liberty Jail since we've never been. It was amazing and we were so glad we stopped. Granted it was a little hard because Parker had been cooped up all day so all he wanted to do was run around (and it's possible that he may have thrown his pacifier into the jail...oops!Luckily it was close enough that Chris could lay on the ground and lean over to reach it, since nobody was allowed to step on the original slab.)
We didn't realize that the doors didn't have any knobs on the inside, the only way for the guards to get out was when they changed shifts and the next guards opened the door from the outside.
The walls were 4 feet thick! It was so it was impossible for anyone to escape.
The windows were so small, the ones on the bottom level were even a little smaller than these.
The front door where Joseph went through. They don't have the original door, but they do have the original key. It was also interesting that when they brought the prophet to the jail the people that came to watch were disapointed that he looked just like a regular person.
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